Unleashing Synergy: Thunder & BeamLink Multi-Cam Wireless Video Transmission Solution

Unleashing Synergy: Thunder & BeamLink Multi-Cam Wireless Video Transmission Solution

In June 2024, China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd. conducted its annual comprehensive emergency drill centered on the theme "Everyone Talks Safety, Everyone Knows Emergency Response – Ensuring Life Channels are Unobstructed." The event featured simulations of various emergencies, organizing multiple teams to collaborate on tasks such as setting up command posts, dispatching emergency forces, ensuring communication support, and conducting personnel search and rescue operations. Through these practical emergency drills, the company enhanced the risk prevention awareness and self-rescue and mutual aid capabilities of all participants.


Due to the complex and rapidly changing environment at the drill site, where wiring was not feasible, CVW Thunder Pro-Duo and BeamLink-Quad Plus were utilized to fully leverage their wireless transmission advantages and accurately capture the event. Six camera units (Thunder Pro-Duo & BeamLink-Quad Plus) were deployed to different areas for real-time group coverage. To facilitate quick movement and provide a first-person perspective, all transmitters were worn as backpacks. The six camera units offered wide coverage, enabling comprehensive monitoring of emergencies and facilitating rescue command.


The CVW Thunder Pro-Duo adapted well to strong interference and complex terrain, featuring ultra-long-distance transmission, superior anti-interference capabilities, and great through-wall performance. It provided stable transmission distances of up to 1 kilometer. Therefore, two Thunder Pro-Duo camera units were assigned to cover the more distant and winding areas of the site, transmitting real-time footage from the primary scene to the command center.


The BeamLink-Quad Plus, capable of transmitting up to 800 meters, was responsible for capturing footage from four camera units in the surrounding areas. It featured automatic channel switching (receiver channel hopping with transmitter following), locking onto the best channel without manual tuning, saving valuable time in emergencies. The BeamLink-Quad Plus transmitted four video feeds using only one channel (one channel corresponding to one channel), conserving wireless spectrum resources, effectively improving spectrum utilization, reducing the likelihood of wireless interference, and ensuring more stable video signal transmission.


This annual comprehensive emergency drill improved the emergency response system, enhancing safety awareness and emergency handling capabilities among all participants. CVW provided a reliable wireless transmission solution for this drill and will continue to focus on professional-grade wireless video transmission, offering industry-leading emergency communication and wireless video transmission solutions in the future.